1/10 TU Delft
Electrical Engineering
€ 312 gemiddelde kamerhuur
104 eerstejaars
26% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
2/10 TU Delft
€ 312 gemiddelde kamerhuur
104 eerstejaars
26% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
3/10 TU Delft
Signals and Systems
€ 312 gemiddelde kamerhuur
104 eerstejaars
26% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
4/10 TU Delft
Wireless Communication and Sensing
€ 312 gemiddelde kamerhuur
104 eerstejaars
26% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
5/10 TU Delft
Electrical Power Engineering
€ 312 gemiddelde kamerhuur
104 eerstejaars
26% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
6/10 TU Eindhoven
Electrical Engineering
€ 280 gemiddelde kamerhuur
25 eerstejaars
32% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
7/10 TU Eindhoven
Care and Cure (master's track)
€ 280 gemiddelde kamerhuur
25 eerstejaars
32% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
8/10 TU Eindhoven
Connected World Technologies
€ 280 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
9/10 TU Eindhoven
Smart Electrical Networks and Systems (SENSE)
€ 280 gemiddelde kamerhuur
25 eerstejaars
32% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
10/10 Universiteit Twente
Electrical Engineering
€ 250 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
disclaimer: bovenstaande cijfers en beoordelingen zijn aangeleverd door de opleidingen zelf. Wij kunnen de juistheid niet garanderen.

Studenten aan het woord

Vasileios Papanastasiou
Technische Universiteit Delft
I am Vasileios Papanastasiou and I am doing my Master of Science in Electrical Engineering at the TU Delft, Signals & Systems Track. I completed my previous diploma in Computer Engineering & Informatics at the University of Patras, Greece. I decided to take the next big step, attending one of the most popular and highly rated technical universities in the world...
All the above are combined with projects and applications in which you can apply the theory you study in. An important part is that in TU Delft, students are used to formulate groups to do exercises and assignments. This enhances the educational procedure and gives someone the opportunity to implement his soft skills. In general, the students are free to choose the courses that fit to their interests. Not to mention that all the academic staff are really helpful and open to answer questions regarding the courses' syllabus and projects. Furthermore, the professors have great connections with the industry and they can give very important insights and suggestions for potential future decisions. Concluding, Delft is a medium size city with everything a student needs. There are many pubs, clubs, restaurants and cafeterias. Moreover, Delft is very close to large cities like The Hague and Rotterdam and less than an hour far from Amsterdam.

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Raissa Lynn
Technische Universiteit Delft
I got my bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering at Tarumanagara University, Indonesia. I anchored my choice at TU Delft because of its well known reputation. Every nature phenomenon can be considered as a signal so it is clear that signals processing becomes a key role in understanding the nature and an indispensable part of technologies . Therefore, I decided to continue my study in signal processing field . I found that SS track in EEMCS faculty with their relation to important research groups and companies is the best match...
It helps me gain a new perspective in relating my track with others . For example, I took a Medical Visualisation course. Inside some courses, besides a small project there is one session for a guest lecture from industry. This session really gives me a concrete proof how the knowledge is transferred into real world application and an assurance that a lot of job opportunities are waiting for me. For prospective students, I advice you to build strong foundation in linear algebra and stochastic process so you will pass most of the courses with a big smile. Finally, I feel very grateful that I can study and become a part of TU Delft.

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Thijs Wensveen
Technische Universiteit Delft
After finishing the Electrical Engineering (EE) Bachelor at TU Delft, my enthusiasm for EE was even bigger than when I started. Being interested in a very broad range of aspects in this field, I wanted to proceed in a direction that would not limit my broad view. During orientation about Master programs, I noticed that the new track Signals and Systems offered a relatively wide range of course topics. Signal processing has always been an integral part of all fields in EE and this track also seemed to satisfy my great interest in control engineering...
The program also offers enough space to go abroad for an interested internship. I have never regretted choosing Signals and Systems and my motivation has even grown significantly after starting this MSc track. I couldn't have made a better choice!

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Manasa Dattatreya
Technische Universiteit Delft
Shubham Khandelwal
Technische Universiteit Delft
Hey, I'm Shubham, I did my bachelor's in Mechatronics engineering from India. During the bachelor studies, I developed an interest in microelectronic devices especially in MEMS technologies. I chose to pursue a masters at the TU Delft in Microelectronics because of its reputation and the excellent facilities that are provided by EEMCS faculty. Specifically the Else Kooi laboratory which is a state of the art micro-manufacturing laboratory. What I really like about the program is the coursework that is a perfect blend of theoretical knowledge and practical exposure...
Moreover, you get to design your own coursework from a wide set of specializations available within the department of microelectronics such as Biomedical electronics, Microsystem and technology, Analog, Digital and RF circuit designing. Furthermore, the specialization offers numerous project which is both job as well as Ph.D. oriented. Hence, prospective students can choose their master's project in accordance with their goals. I'm really enjoying my master at TU Delft as it is full of challenges and provides an overall growth as an engineer. I would recommend microelectronics program to all the prospective students who are intrigued by the electronic aspect of engineering.

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