Agricultural Production Chain Management - Forest Chains

Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein

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Deze opleiding

!Deze opleiding communiceert alleen in het Engels.
We tonen daarom de Engelstalige opleidingsinformatie.
The Master of Agricultural Production Chain Management (MSc) is intended for specialists working in companies and organisations dealing with agricultural production.

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typeregulier, post-initieel, 70 EC
start1 oktober
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur12 maanden voltijd

Deze opleiding heeft meerdere vormen :


taal van onderwijs100% en
case study, group assignment, group discussion, individual assignment, lecture, literature study, research project, research proposal, oral presentation, practicum, project, self study, tutorial, working group
As a graduate, you will be competent:
to analyse the sustainability and resilience of value chains, stakeholders and production systems
to initiate and manage innovative chain processes and projects
to advise chain actors and business service entrepreneurs
to conduct applied research that contributes towards efficient and sustainable value chain development
to develop policies and networks for integrated value chain management
to build relations with attention for values in complex processes
Forest Chain Management specialists are equipped with the competences needed to examine each actor in the chain (including producers, smallholders, suppliers, processors, traders, retailers and consumers) and analyse the different stages from harvest to processing and consumption [from forest to floor] from various perspectives, including sustainability. They will thus enhance their ability to manage, facilitate and innovate these forest value chains.

Toelating en kosten


a first degree in life sciences or related fields

At least 2 years of relevant working experience on middle or higher management positions





studie kosten
bron: Van Hall Larenstein
bedrag kostenpost
€ 6000.00levensonderhoudper jaar
€ 500.00studiematerialenper jaar
€ 5000.00per jaar
€ 200.00visa/permitper jaar
inbegrepen in collegegeld
registration fee


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1/4 VHL
Agricultural Production Chain Management - Forest Chains
gemiddelde kamerhuur
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NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
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disclaimer: bovenstaande cijfers en beoordelingen zijn aangeleverd door de opleidingen zelf. Wij kunnen de juistheid niet garanderen.

Na de studie

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The Agricultural Production Chain Management specialist is a professional who is trained to anticipate changes in demand and policies on local, national and international levels, enhancing their ability to manage, coordinate and innovate within their organisation or throughout the chain. They are competent of facilitating multi-stakeholder processes with an interdisciplinary focus and a pro-active entrepreneurial attitude on sustainable.

Beroepsperspectief / arbeidsmarkt

Potential professions:
  • Chain facilitator
  • Chain manager
  • Value Chain Specialist
  • Value Chain Researcher
  • Project coordinator
  • Innovation manager
  • Transition manager
  • Policy maker
  • Auditor quality assurance
  • Trainer / instructor
  • Consultant

Potentiƫle beroepen

beleidsmedewerker landbouweconomische zaken (wetenschappelijk)
consulent agrarische bedrijfsvoering (wetenschappelijk)
directeur landbouweconomisch onderzoeksinstituut (groot bedrijf)
directeur landbouweconomisch onderzoeksinstituut (meewerkend <50%)
hoofd landbouweconomische voorlichting (management)
landbouweconomisch onderzoeker (wetenschappelijk)
leidinggevende landbouweconomisch onderzoek
teamleider landbouweconomische voorlichting
wetenschappelijk onderzoeker agrarische economie
bron: CBS


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Bezoek de website van deze opleiding.

open_in_newstudy website